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​卡洛斯·弗朗哥 最新寓言系列創作


 Carlos Franco Solo Exhibition

Aesop Top

本次「伊索藝言 / Aesop Fables」展覽,由西班牙藝術大師卡洛斯·弗朗哥(Carlos Franco)為觀者呈上最新創作,每一幅作品都分別對應一篇精選於伊索寓言(Aesop Fables)中的獨立故事。卡洛斯熱愛藝術、歷史與文學,每當開啟新的創作主題時,便會為了追求歷史的真實性與體驗人文,踏上遊歷他鄉的旅程實地考察,旅途中經歷的點點滴滴都化為養份與靈感,不知不覺的蓄積能量...如今年邁七旬的卡洛斯在經歷過無數蛻變後,其創作風格早已成熟,作品更無不是滿載著結合藝術與人文的重量,畫作內容與主調雖仍以西方為根基,卻也能看到異國題材的交融。

Spanish artist Carlos Franco showcases his latest series of work from the famous "Aesop's Fables", with each of the work corresponds to a selected moral tale. Carlos Franco loves art, history and literature. Whenever he starts a new series of work, he will embark on a field trip to travel to the places where the stories originated, he then studies the authenticity of history and experiencing the humanities. Every bit of experience during the journey turns into accumulating energy that inspire him to create nutritious elements for his art work.

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Now the seventy-year-old Carlos has undergone countless transformations, with his mature creative style, and a seamless blend of combining art and humanities values, the content and theme of the works are impeccably mingled with exotic and western components.

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Carlos Franco B.1951


西班牙藝術家卡洛斯・弗朗哥出生於1951年。卡洛斯的創作特色為使用符號學來表達個人和集體的潛意識,古典主義的風格和神話題材時常出現於其作品之中。卡洛斯的作品將不同地方的歷史文化、傳統神話等結合,作品中常可見古典的符號和含義。其繪畫遵循了象徵性的傳統,將鮮豔的色彩視為一種表達感官的媒介。卡洛斯的繪畫風格受到梵谷、哥雅、魯本斯、安格爾、馬奈、畢卡索和培根等著名藝術家及龐貝壁畫風格、普普藝術等影響。代表作為1989年開始陳列於馬德里主廣場(Plaza Mayor)的外觀裝飾壁畫。卡洛斯的作品已成為許多博物館及公共組織的收藏品,如ARTIUM巴斯克中心-當代藝術博物館、雷納索菲亞國家藝術中心博物館、西班牙巴塞羅那La Caixa基金會等皆是他的藏家。

Carlos Franco

The Spanish artist Carlos Franco was born in 1951. The art of Carlos Franco is characterized by the use of symbology to express both the individual and collective subconscious. He turns to classicism and mythology as a way to explain the common needs of human behavior. From the beginning, Carlos was directly influenced by well-known artists such as Van Gogh, Goya, Rubens, Ingres, Manet, Picasso, and Bacon, as well as by movements such as Pompeian painting and pop art. Because of these references, Franco’s paintings follow the figurative tradition, expressed through the juxtaposition of vibrant colors.

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The works in this exhibition are created by a combination of printing art and oil painting. Stacking of different media layers has a strong impact with implication corresponding to stacking layers of inheritance on the work culminating in exuberant color blocks. Similar techniques were applied in the engravings works of the Western literary masterpiece "Aeneid" (1988), that are presented in Chens Art Gallery last year. The combination of art and history, humanity and inheritance contribute all together to the true value of art.

From the visual perspective, Carlos Franco re-deconstructed the story content of Aesop’s Fables, he combined semiotics and subconsciousness to create a unique composition and artistic language that breaks the space-time continuum.Through the recombination of energetic and vital Spanish colors the picture does not seem to stand still, and time seems to be flowing quietly. The canvas speaks to the audience through lines and colors. While getting to know each other gradually, the soul is also nourished; bold, bright and vivid colors infuse the picture with strength and energy.

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