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【鏡中花園 - A Garden Through The Mirror】雷明思與艾丹雙人展 — 前副總統連戰先生及夫人開幕日到場欣賞女婿雷明思及艾丹的雙人展

2023/05/20 | 文章及翻譯由藝術家提供

藝術家雷明思 Marcel Reyes-Cortez (左)和艾丹 Daniel Arroyo (右),陳氏藝術攝,2023/05/20


‘A Garden Through The Mirror’ showcases the artworks of Daniel Arroyo and Marcel Reyes-Cortez. This exhibition celebrates the beauty and symbolism of flowers by pushing the boundaries of traditional still-life paintings and its wide range of interpretations. Through the use of vibrant colors, intricate details, and various mediums, the artists pay homage to the delicate nature of flowers and their role in our everyday lives. Viewers will be immersed in a world of floral wonder with themes such as growth, love, and spirituality.


透過油畫,艾丹探索了廣泛的繪畫語言,從近乎攝影的寫實主義,到富有表現力的抽象筆觸。 在尋找藝術中的「美」的過程中,艾丹探索了花卉主題、它們的不同種類及其象徵意義。 通過這次展覽,艾丹的畫作在歐洲和亞洲的古典和現代繪畫傳統之間,以及不同花卉物種之間,建立了持續的對話。

With oil paintings Daniel explores a wide range of pictorial languages, ranging from almost photographic realism to expressive abstract brushstrokes. In his search for ‘beauty’ in art, Daniel explores floral themes, their various species and their symbolisms. Through this exhibition, Daniel’s paintings establish a constant dialogue between European and Asian classical and modern pictorial traditions, as well as between the different floral species.



雷明思的作品,以陶瓷來捕捉花朵極具魔力的本質。 陶瓷的媒材使用,帶來了立體的效果,為藝術品增添了深度和質感。 藝術家展示了花朵的複雜細節,從嬌嫩的罌粟花瓣到百合花的大膽色彩,以及存在於他想像世界中的各種奇妙花朵。

Marcel fuses both western aesthetics with locally found materials in Taiwan, mixing both methods to create unique painted porcelain works. Many of the works are carved before pigment is applied onto them, thus an experience for the senses of sight and touch. Marcel wishes his artworks to not only be looked at but also felt and enjoyed in the everyday. Porcelain is delicate and elegant like flowers. The audience are able to feel the petals of each flower carved onto the surface of many of his artwork.

Marcel artworks captures the magical essence of flowers with porcelain. The use of porcelain allows for a three-dimensional quality that adds depth and texture to the artwork. The artist showcase intricate details of flowers, from the delicate petals of a poppy to the bold colors of lilies together with flowers that exist in his imaginary world.

雷明思(Marcel Reyes-Cortez)釉下瓷作品「尼羅河百合」(The Sacred Lily of the Nile),陳氏藝術攝,2023/05/17

雷明思(Marcel Reyes-Cortez)釉下瓷瓶「春日玫瑰」(Roses in Spring),陳氏藝術攝,2023/05/17




Daniel Arroyo’s art practice has mainly been focusing on figuration and strict realism. In his new series of floral-themed paintings, he is in search of a new personal form, a meditation on the language of painting pushing his familiar boundaries of photorealism in art.

Daniel seeks not to be a slave to the motif or the photographic model, but introduce the abstract to come to the fore and take a strong presence to voice the beauty of flowers.

This exploration of the limits between the figurative and abstraction goes in parallel on a conceptual level with a reflection on mortality and the ephemeral temporality of beauty and thus creates a contemporary form of classic vanitas.

The images are built from an endless succession of superimposed layers, interspersing and merging layers of pure abstraction with others where the figurative motif prevails, forming a dialogue and a symbiosis between both realities; where the meeting point is the pure material of the painting, the physicality of the brushstroke and the sensuality of the color.

艾丹(Daniel Arroyo)作品「遍地菊花」(Field of Daisies)局部,陳氏藝術攝,2023/05/17

艾丹(Daniel Arroyo)作品「盛開櫻花與蘭花」(Cherry Blossom and Orchids)局部,陳氏藝術攝,2023/05/17


Through a combination of paintings on canvas and on porcelain, A Garden Through The Mirror offers multiple dimensions that pushes both the boundaries and the beauty and versatility of flowers as a subject in art.

展期|2023.05.20 - 2023.06.24 開幕|2023.05.20(六)15:00 - 17:00 開放時間|每週二至週六 11:00 - 19:00 地址|台北市中山區八德路2段100號 電話|02-2752 2578 交通資訊|

Date|2023.05.20 - 2023.06.24 Vernissage|2023.05.20(Sat)15:00 - 17:00 Open|Tues - Sat 11:00 - 19:00 Address|NO.100 SEC.2 BADE ROAD ZHONGSHAN DIST. 10491 TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN TEL|02-2752 2578 Traffic Info|


TEL. 886 (2) 2752 2578

TUE-SAT 11:00-19:00



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